Climate modelling work update

Some of the recent modelling work has been updated on our modelling page . Here we show an example of some of the exciting high resolution simulations of each geological stage that is being developed for the project.

See high resolution animations and further details here:


The scope of the modelling work aims is three-fold:

  1.  to create low resolution atmosphere-ocean simulations of each geologic stage through the Cenozoic. Status – Complete.
  2. to create high resolution atmosphere only (incorporating the low resolution simulation sea surface temperatures and sea-ice extents) of each geologic stage through the Cenozoic. Status – On going.
  3. to create low-resolution atmosphere-ocean enabled deuterium and oxygen isotope simulations for each geologic stage through the Cenozoic. Status – Nearly complete.
  4. A series of sensitivity studies to understand the behaviour and mechanisms perturbing of the Earth system. Status – Ongoing.

More to come soon!