Update 26th October – 2017:
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between University of Bristol and Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) on October 25. As representatives of the two sides, Prof. Paul Jonathan Valdes and Prof. Chen Jin signed the agreement.
According to the MoU, the two sides will join hands to improve training and scientific research as well as plan for future projects together. They will also enhance exchange visits of researchers and students; jointly conduct studies on environmental change, variation of biodiversity, and conservation biology.
This is exciting news for all involved in this and future projects between both organisations. Soon we also hope to bring news about a similar tie up between The Institue of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Science and the University of Bristol too! Watch this space.
Read more here:
XTBG and University of Bristol sign MoU
Prof Paul Valdes signs MOU with Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Gardens

Prof. Chen Jin and Prof. Paul Jonathan Valdes
10月24日,布里斯托大学Paul Jonathan Valdes教授与中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园主任陈进研究员代表双方签署合作备忘录。
在签约仪式上,陈进研究员、Paul Jonathan Valdes教授分别介绍了双方的合作背景,展望了双方深入开展合作的前景。根据合作备忘录,版纳植物园将与布里斯托大学一起致力于促进双方在人才培养和科学研究方面的合作,加强双方研究人员与学生的互访交流,共同开展环境变化、生物多样性演变和保护生物学等方面的研究,组织召开相关的学术会议及研讨会等。版纳植物园副主任胡华斌正高级工程师,综合保护中心主任Richard Corlett研究员,热带植物资源可持续利用重点实验室主任徐增富研究员,公共技术服务中心主任付昀正高级工程师,古生态学研究组苏涛副研究员,以及英国布里斯托大学Dan Lunt教授等相关人员参加了签约仪式。
布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)始建于1876年,是英国最负盛名的高等学府之一,也是世界五十强顶尖大学,学校建校至今共计培养了12位诺贝尔奖得主。该校在生物多样性保护、环境变化等方面的研究颇具特色。
XTBG and University of Bristol sign MoU
Prof Paul Valdes signs MOU with Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Gardens

陈进研究员与Paul J . Valdes教授代表双方签署合作备忘录
