



2015年1月至今 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 硕士研究生导师;
2014年1月至今 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 副研究员;
2011年3月-2013年12月 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 助理研究员;
2005年9月-2011年2月 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 植物学专业 获博士学位;
2001年9月-2005年7月 四川农业大学生命科学与理学院 生物科学专业 获理学学士。


9. 2017年1月-2020年12月  中国科学院  青年创新促进会 (No. 2017439) 80万;
8. 2017年1月-2020年12月  国家自然科学基金委  中英合作重点项目 课题名称:古近纪及新近纪早期植被和生物多样性演变(No. 41661134049) 294万;
7. 2016年8月-2020年12月  中科院前沿科学与教育局  拔尖青年人才计划  课题名称:青藏高原古环境变化与生物多样性演变(No. QYZDB-SSW-SMC016)  250万;
6. 2016年8月-2018年8月  中国科学院东南亚生物多样性研究中心  重点领域拓展计划项目  课题名称:越南北部和云南东南部中新世植物区系比较及其古环境成因(No. Y4ZK111B01)  40万;
5. 2015年1月-2018年12月  国家自然科学基金面上项目  课题名称:藏东芒康晚中新世卡均植物群及其古环境重建(No. 31470325)  88万;
4. 2015年1月-2017年12月  中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室开放基金  课题名称:西藏芒康晚中新世植物群的系统学及其生物地理学研究  (No. 143107)   12万;
3. 2012年1月-2014年12月  国家自然科学基金青年基金  课题名称:上新世以来高山栎组植物昆虫取食多样性的演变 (No. 31100166)   21万;
2. 2012年1月-2013年12月  中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室开放基金  课题名称:云南西部上上新统龙门植物群高山栎组昆虫取食现象的研究(No. 123106)  10万;
1. 2012年1月-2014年12月  中国科学院“西部之光”一般项目  20万.


2013年8月-2014年1月  美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学地质系,访问学者(合作者为Peter Wilf 教授);
2011年4月  奥地利维也纳自然历史博物馆,MATLAB培训。

联系方式: sutao@xtbg.org.cn


Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

Researchgate 个人主页:

Publications record


发表论文(full text in ResearchGate):
58. Xu C-L, Huang J, Su T, Zhang X-C, Li S-F, Zhou Z-K, 2017. The first megafossil record of Goniophlebium (Polypodiaceae) from the Middle Miocene of Asia and its paleoecological implications. Palaeoworld, (in press).

57. Huang Y-J, Ji X-P, Su T, Deng C-L, Ferguson DK, Yu T-S, Yang X, Sun H, Zhou Z-K, 2017. Habitat, climate and potential plant food resources for the late Miocene Shuitangba hominoid in Southwest China: Insights from carpological remains. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 470: 63-71.

56. Jia L-B, Huang Y-J, Sun H, Su T, Huang J, Zhou Z-K, 2017. First fossil of Pterolobium(Leguminosae) from the Middle Miocene Yunnan, South China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 242: 21-32.

55. Liang X-Q, Lu P, Tiwari A, Su T, Zhou Z-K, 2017. New fossil record of Cladium(Cyperaceae) from the Middle Miocene of Zhenyuan, SW China, and the palaeobiogeographical history of the genus. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 237: 1-9.

54. Meng H-H, Su T, Gao X-Y, Li J, Jiang X-L, Sun H, Zhou Z-K, 2017. Warm–Cold colonization: Response of oaks to uplift of the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains. Molecular Ecology, 26: 3276-3294.

53. Huang J,  Su T, Lebreton A J, Zhang S-T, Zhou Z-K, 2016. The oldest Mahonia(Berberidaceae) fossil from East Asia and its biogeographic implications. Journal of Plant Research, 129 (2): 209–223.

52. Liang X-Q , D. K. Ferguson, F.M.B. Jacques, Su T, Wang L, Zhou Z-K, 2016. A new Celastrus species from the middle Miocene of Yunnan, China and its palaeoclimatic and palaeobiogeographic implications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 225: 43-52.

51. Huang Y-J, Jia L-B, Wang Q, Mosbrugger V, Utescher T, Su T, Zhou Z-K, 2016. Cenozoic plant diversity of Yunnan: A review. Plant Diversity, 38: 271-282.

50. Xu H, Su T, Zhang S-T, Deng M, Zhou Z-K, 2016. The first fossil record of ring-cupped oak (Quercus L. subgenus Cyclobalanopsis (Oersted) Schneider) in Tibet and its paleoenvironmental implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 442: 61-71.

49. Li S-F, Jacques F M B, Spicer R A, Su T, Spicer T E V, Yang J, Zhou Z-K, 2016. Artificial neural networks reveal a high-resolution climatic signal in leaf physiognomy. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 442: 1-11.

48. Huang Y-J, Su T, Zhou Z-K, 2016. Late Pliocene diversity and distribution of Drynaria (Polypodiaceae) in western Yunnan explained by forest vegetation and humid climates. Plant Diversity, 38: 194-200.

47. Zhu H, Huang Y-J, Ji X-P, Su T, Zhou Z-K, 2016. Continuous existence of Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) in Southwest China since the Miocene. Quaternary International, 392 (21): 224-232.

46.  Su T, Huang Y-J, Meng J, Zhang S-T, Huang J, Zhou Z-K, 2015. A Miocene leaf fossil record of Rosa (R. fortuita n. sp.) from its modern diversity center in SW China. Palaeoworld,  25 (1): 104-115.

45.  Huang Y-J, Jacques F M B, Su T, Ferguson D K, Tang H, Chen W Y, Zhou Z-K, 2015. Distribution of Cenozoic plant relicts in China explained by drought in dry season. Scientific Reports, 5: 14212.

44. Huang Y-J, Ji X-P, Su T, Wang L, Deng C-L, Li W, Luo H, Zhou Z-K, 2015. Fossil seeds of Euryale (Nymphaeaceae) indicate a lake or swamp environment in the late Miocene Zhaotong Basin of southwestern China. Science Bulletin, 60: 1768-1777.

43. Huang Y-J, Jacques F M B, Liu Y-S, Su T, Ferguson D K, Xing Y-W, Zhou Z-K, 2015. Rubus (Rosaceae) diversity in the late Pliocene of Yunnan, southwestern China. Geobios, 48: 439-448.

42. Su T, Wilf P, Huang Y-J, Zhang S-T, Zhou Z-K, 2015. Peaches preceded humans: fossil evidence from SW China. Scientific Reports, 5: 16794.

41. Yang J, Spicer R A, Spicer T E V, Arens N C, Jacques F M B, Su T, Kennedy E M, Herman A B, Steart D C, Srivastava G, 2015. Leaf form–climate relationships on the global stage: an ensemble of characters. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24: 1113-1125.

40. Meng H-H, Su T, Huang Y-J, Zhu H, Zhou Z-K, 2015. Late Miocene Palaeocarya(Engelhardieae: Juglandaceae) from Southwest China and its biogeographic implications. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 53 (6): 499–511.

39. Jia L-B, Manchester S R, Su T, Xing Y-W, Chen W-Y, Huang Y-J, Zhou Z-K, 2015. First occurrence of Cedrelospermum (Ulmaceae) in Asia and its biogeographic implications. Journal of Plant Research, 128: 747-761.

38. Huang Y-J, Chen W-Y, Jacques F M B, Liu Y-S, Utescher T, Su T, Ferguson D K, Zhou Z-K, 2015. Late Pliocene temperatures and their spatial variation at the southeastern border of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 111: 44-53.

37. Li S-F, Mao L-M, Spicer R A, Lebreton-Anberrée J, Su T, Sun M, Zhou Z-K, 2015. Late Miocene vegetation dynamics under monsoonal climate in southwestern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 425: 14-40.

36. Jacques F M B, Shi G-L, Su T, Zhou Z-K, 2015. A tropical forest of the middle Miocene of Fujian (SE China) reveals Sino-Indian biogeographic affinities. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 216: 76-91.

35. Hu J-J, Xing Y-W, Turkington R, Jacques F M B, Su T, Huang Y-J, Zhou Z-K,2015. A new positive relationship between pCO2 and stomatal frequency in Quercus guyavifolia(Fagaceae): a potential proxy for palaeo-CO2 levels. Annals of Botany, 115: 777-788.

34. Zhang J-W, D’Rozario A, Adams J M, Li Y, Liang X-Q, Jacques F M B, Su T, Zhou Z-K, 2015. Sequoia maguanensis, a new Miocene relative of the coast redwood, Sequoia sempervirens, from China: Implications for paleogeography and paleoclimate. American Journal of Botany, 102: 103-118.

33. Zhang J-W, D’Rozario A, Adams JM, Liang X-Q, Jacques FMB, Su T, Zhou Z-K, 2015. The occurrence of Pinus massoniana Lambert (Pinaceae) from the upper Miocene of Yunnan, SW China and its implications for paleogeography and paleoclimate. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 215: 57-67.

32. Su T, Adams J M, Wappler T, Huang Y-J, Jacques F M B, Liu Y-S, Zhou Z-K, 2015. Resilience of plant-insect interactions in an oak lineage through Quaternary climate change. Paleobiology, 41(1): 174-186.

31. Su T, Wilf P, Xu H, Zhou Z-K, 2014. Miocene leaves of Elaeagnus (Elaeagnaceae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, its modern center of diversity and endemism. American Journal of Botany, 101: 1350-1361.

30. Meng H-H, Jacques F M B, Su T , Huang Y-J, Zhang S-T, Ma H-J ,  Zhou Z-K, 2014. New Biogeographic insight into Bauhinia s.l. (Leguminosae): integration from fossil records and molecular analyses. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 14: 181.

29. Jacques F M B, Su T, Spicer R A, Xing Y-W, Huang Y-J, Zhou Z-K, 2014. Late Miocene southwestern Chinese floristic diversity shaped by the southeastern uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 411:208-215.

28. Chen W-Y, Su T, Adams J M, Jacques F M B, Ferguson D K, Zhou Z-K, 2014. Large-scale dataset from China gives new insights into leaf margin–temperature relationships. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 402:73-80.

27. Feng Z, Su T, Yang J-Y, Chen Y-X, Wei H-B, Dai J, Guo Y, Liu J-R, Ding J-H, 2014. Evidence for insect-mediated skeletonization on an extant fern family from the Upper Triassic of China. Geology, 42:407-410.

26. Khan M A, SpicerR A, Bera S, Ghosh R, Yang J, Spicer T E V, Guo S-X, Su T, Jacques F M B, Grote P J, 2014. Miocene to Pleistocene floras and climate of the Eastern Himalayan Siwaliks, and new palaeoelevation estimates for the Namling–Oiyug Basin, Tibet. Global and Planetary Change, 113: 1-10.

25. Su T, Jacques F M B, Ma H-J, Zhou Z-K, 2013. Fossil fruits of Ailanthus confucii from the Upper Miocene of Wenshan, Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Palaeoworld, 22:153-158.

24. Su T, Liu Y-S, Jacques F M B, Huang Y-J, Xing Y-W, Zhou Z-K, 2013. The intensification of the East Asian winter monsoon contributed to the disappearance of Cedrus (Pinaceae) in southwestern China. Quaternary Research, 80:316-325.

23. Su T, Jacques F M B, Spicer R A, Liu Y-S, Huang Y-J, Xing Y-W, Zhou Z-K, 2013. Post-Pliocene establishment of the present monsoonal climate in SW China: evidence from the late Pliocene Longmen megaflora. Climate of the Past, 9:1911-1920.

22. Su T, Spicer R A, Liu Y-S, Huang Y-J, Xing Y-W, Jacques F M B, Chen W-Y, Zhou Z-K. 2013. Regional constraints on leaf physiognomy and precipitation regression models: a case study from China. Bulletin of Geosciences, 88:595-608.

21. Jacques F M B, Su T, Huang Y-J, Wang L, Zhou Z-K, 2013. A global-scale test for monsoon indices used in palaeoclimatic reconstruction. Palaeoworld, 22:93-100.

20. Jacques F M B , Su T, Zhou Z-K, 2013. The first fossil Microsoroid fern (Palaeosorum ellipticum gen. et sp. nov.) from the middle Miocene of Yunnan, SW China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51:758-764.

19. Wang L, Jacques F M B, Su T, Xing Y-W, Zhang S-T, Zhou Z-K, 2013. The earliest fossil bamboos of China (middle Miocene, Yunnan) and their biogeographical importance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 197:253–265.

18. Xing Y-W, Hu J-J., Jacques F M B, Wang L, Su T, Huang Y-J, Liu Y-S, Zhou Z-K, 2013. A new Quercus species from the upper Miocene of southwestern China and its ecological significance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 193:99-109.

17. Xing Y-W, Liu Y-S, Su T, Jacques FMB, Zhou Z-K, 2013. A new Tsuga species from the upper Miocene of Yunnan, southwestern China and its palaeogeographic significance. Palaeoworld, 22:159-167.

16. Huang Y-J, Liu Y-S, Jacques F M B, Su T, Xing Y-W, Zhou Z-K, 2013. First discovery of Cucubalus (Caryophyllaceae) fossil, and its biogeographical and ecological implications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 190: 41-47.

15. 马宏杰, 张世涛, 苏涛*, 王力, 眭素刚, 2012. 西藏芒康晚中新世木贼属 (Equisetum) 化石新材料及其古生态意义. 吉林大学学报 (地球科学版), 42 (sup. 3): 189-195.

14. Chen S-T, Xing Y-W, Su T, Zhou Z-K, Dilcher D, Soltis D, 2012. Phylogeographic analysis reveals significant spatial genetic structure of Incarvillea sinensis as a product of mountain building. BMC Plant Biology, 12: 58.

13. Huang Y-J, Jacques F M B, Liu Y-S, Su T, Xing Y-W, Xiao X-H, Zhou Z-K, 2012. New fossil endocarps of Sambucus (Adoxaceae) from the upper Pliocene in SW China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 171: 152-163.

12. Xing Y-W, Utescher T, Jacques F M B, Su T, Liu Y-S, Huang Y-J, Zhou Z-K, 2012. Paleoclimatic estimation reveals a weak winter monsoon in southwestern China during the late Miocene: Evidence from plant macrofossils. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 358-360: 19-26.

11. Su T, Jacques F M B, Liu Y-S, Xiang J-Y, Xing Y-W, Huang Y-J, Zhou Z-K, 2011. A new Drynaria (Polypodiaceae) from the Upper Pliocene of Southwest China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 164 (1-2): 132-142.

10. Jacques F M B, Su T (co-first author), Spicer R A, Xing Y-W, Huang Y-J, Wang W-M, Zhou Z-K, 2011. Leaf Physiognomy: are monsoon climates different? Global and Planetary Change, 76 (1-2): 56-62.

9. Jacques F M B, Guo S-X, Su T, Xing Y-W, Huang Y-J, Liu Y-S, Ferguson D K, Zhou Z-K, 2011. Quantitative reconstruction of the Late Miocene monsoon climates of southwest China: a case study of the Lincang flora from Yunnan Province. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 304(3-4): 318-327.

8. Zhang F-M, Su T, Yang Y, Zhai Y-H, Ji Y-H, Chen S-T, 2010. Development of seven novel EST-SSR markers from Cycas panzhihuaensis (Cycadaceae). American Journal of Botany, 97 (12): e159-e161.

7. Xing Y-W, Liu Y-S, Su T, Jacques F M B, Zhou Z-K, 2010. Pinus prekesiya sp. nov. from the Upper Miocene of Yunnan, southwestern China and its biogeographical implications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 160 (1-2): 1-9.

6. Su T, Xing Y-W, Liu Y-S, Jacques F M B, Chen W-Y, Huang Y-J, Zhou Z-K, 2010. Leaf margin analysis: a new equation from humid to mesic forests in China. Palaios, 25 (4): 234-238.

5. 黄永江, 苏涛, 星耀武, 周浙昆, 2010. 两种古海拔重建方法及山旺中中新世古海拔的定量重建. 古生物学报, 49 (4): 532-538.

4. 苏涛, 星耀武, Jacques F M B, 陈文允, 黄永江, 刘裕生, 周浙昆, 2010. 叶缘—年均温中国模型在定量重建中国新生代植物群古年均温中的应用. 地质论评, 56 (5): 638-646.

3. 星耀武, 刘裕生, 苏涛, 周浙昆, 2010. X-射线CT扫描技术在中新世松属球果化石研究中的应用. 古生物学报, 49 (1): 133-137.

2. Xia K, Su T, Liu Y-S, Xing Y-W, Jacques F M B, Zhou Z-K, 2009. Quantitative climate reconstructions of the Late Miocene Xiaolongtan megaflora from Yunnan, southwest China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 276 (1-4): 80-86.

1. 苏涛, 星耀武, 杨青松, 周浙昆, 2009. 基于叶缘分析法定量重建中国始新世植物群的年均温. 古生物学报, 48 (1): 65-72.


12. 2017.07.23-29 第十一届世界植物学大会,深圳。口头报告题目:(1)The evolution of monsoonal climate and its influence on plant diversity in southwestern China;(2)Cenozoic floras in the Tibetan Plateau: were they isolated?

11. 2016.04.01-09 中德会议“The Yunnan Biodiversity Hotspot Project-program, objectives and application”,德国德累斯顿。口头报告题目:Selection of fossil floras in Yunnan;

10. 2015.10.13-17 第16次欧亚Neclime会议,西班牙马德里。  口头报告题目:Plant-Insect interactions in oak forests under Quarternary climate changes;

9. 2015.08.04-09 中德会议“The Yunnan Biodiversity Hotspot – its history and future threats”,昆明。口头报告题目:A brief introduction on Neogene floras in Yunnan;

8. 2014.09.28-10.03 第四届国际古生物学大会,阿根廷门多萨市。口头报告题目:Resilience of plant-insect interactions in an oak lineage through Quaternary climate change;

7. 2013.10.27-30  美国地质学会125周年年会,美国丹佛。展板题目:Plant-insect interactions in response to global cooling during the Quaternary: Evidence from evergreen sclerophyllous oak forests in SW China;

6. 2013.03.19-25 中德会议“Late Cenozoic Environmental Change in Eastern Eurasia and Its Impact on Past and Present Biodiversity (Sino-German meeting)”,西双版纳。口头报告题目:Plant fossils from Mangkang evidence the paleoenvironmental change in eastern Tibet since the late Eocene;

5.  2012.8.23-30  第十三届国际古植物学大会,日本东京。口头报告题目:Paleovegetation in response to Neogene climate change in the Hengduan Mountains, SW China;

4. 2012.5.27-29  欧亚Neclime会议,南京。  口头报告题目:Paleoclimate reconstruction of a late Pliocene flora from Longmen, Yongping County, western Yunnan;

3. 2011.11.28-12.02  2011年世界古生物学与地层学大会,泰国。  口头报告题目: The Late Pliocene flora from Yunnan Province, Southwest China;

2. 2011.7.23-7.30  第十八届世界植物学大会,澳大利亚墨尔本。  口头报告题目:The relationship between leaf physiognomy and climate: a case study in China;

1. 2010.11.18-20  欧亚Neclime会议,昆明。  口头报告题目:On the establishment of the leaf physiognomy – climate model from Chinese humid to mesic forests and case study;

2010年度  中国科学院研究生院“朱李月华奖学金”;
2006年度  中国科学院研究生院“西部学子奖学金”。